Community Solar: The Key to All-Inclusive Solar Power

Community Solar takes pride in its mid-scale solar power generation which is commonly on industrial areas, landfills, commercial rooftops, private lands, and locations that are near to the customers they intend to provide electricity, that is inclusive of renters and the like. Thus, if you are currently leasing a property, you can still enjoy the benefits of solar power through community solar projects.

Moreover, under the legacy community solar pilot program of Maryland, residents are afforded the chance to register as subscribers to community solar ventures, where they are credited savings on utility bills that are dependent on their share of the income produced by the project’s monetary proceeds.

Final Thoughts

Without a doubt, community solar is ideal for achieving the state’s efficient and clean energy goals. This community solar power bill enlarges the program at a unique time where it can bring billions of dollars in funds recently made accessible by the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act. Lastly, the siting provisions and LMI subscriber of the said bill support the business case in targeting the underserved and overburdened communities of Maryland.

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